Children's Sabbath School Leader

The leader of a children's division of the Sabbath School (beginners, kindergarten, primary, junior, and earliteens) has the following responsibilities:


1. To the Learner: Establishes a warm, accepting environment where children feel loved, accepted, and free to ask questions, regardless of their race, color, language, gender, age, or educational experience.


2. To the Staff: Recruits volunteers to serve as assistant, teacher, pianist and/or songleader. Sets up schedules and duties so that volunteers are not on call every Sabbath and so that the person leading out has ample support. Keeps a list of substitute teachers who can be called upon in an emergency; affirms, trains, and supports volunteers; mentors future leaders.


3. For Spiritual Development: Maintains a consistent prayer life and seeks to grow spiritually; knows Jesus as personal Savior and is willing to share with others what God has done for him/her. Prays and plans early in the week for the Sabbath School class that he/she will lead/teach. Encourages volunteers to attend conference/ church-sponsored training seminars.


4. For Program Planning and Presentation: Traditionally is responsible for what happens in Sabbath School from beginning to end. Typically, the leader directs the entire large group learning experience, delegating responsibilities for prayer, singing, and mission to others. The class teachers lead out in small group discussion of the lesson as directed by the leader. In today's Sabbath Schools, the leader functions as the teacher, with teacher/counselors to lead in discussion.


5. For Follow-up Ministries: Arranges for the keeping of attendance records, the contacting of absent members, and periodic visitation of families. Provides opportunities for children to be involved in ongoing projects that help fill the needs of shut-ins, the homeless, and senior citizens.


6. For Children's Stewardship: Sets offering goals and reports offering totals, encourages tithing and mission offerings; organizes Sabbath School investment projects.