Duties of the Adventurer Club Director:



1. Communicate with the church and community in order to promote the club. The Conference Adventurer Coordinator  provides guidance in running the club, and may ask for regular reports to be sent to the conference office. A church Adventurer Executive Committee (including the pastor, primary Sabbath school leader, church school teachers, parent representatives, and Adventurer Club leadership) will help to set the major policies and goals for the Adventurer club. The church board should be consulted regarding major decisions.




2. Staff the Adventurer Club with caring, well-qualified adults and teens. The Adventurer director will seek out persons who are clearly growing in the love of Jesus, love children, and work well with them. The director will see that each staff member is trained carefully, and given a job which is appropriate to the interests of the club.




3. Organize the Adventurer Club by working with the executive committee and staff to identify what goals and objectives need to be accomplished in the coming year. The director and staff may choose the general types of activities to take place. Staff are assigned to lead out in each area. Then a budget is set up, based on the income from church appropriation, club dues, and fund-raising. Finally, an amount is designated for each area of the club to spend.




4. Plan the club meetings and yearly calendar. Make a schedule of activities for each regular club meeting, and a yearly calendar which may include regular club meetings, special activity nights, family nights, Adventurer Family Network meetings, and yearly events such as Induction and Investiture.




5. Evaluate how well the club is reaching its goals. Take time at staff meetings to discuss ideas and concerns. Use what is learned to create a better, more effective club.